Campaign Value #2: Humility

In late April 2024, my family and I gathered with others in the Yavapai County Courthouse for my investiture. Investiture is like an inauguration for a judge. Though I started serving on January 3, investiture was my formal ceremony and recognition of becoming a judge.

During that ceremony, I had the opportunity to deliver a speech which you can watch here.

In that speech, I talked about my second campaign value - humility. While some seek the bench because of power or because it’s “the next thing” in their pursuit of larger career goals, I see things very differently. The following is taken from the final section of my speech.

“I’ve heard my husband tell our church on multiple occasions that “if serving is below you, then leading is beyond you.” Let me be clear - I am not here to serve myself.  I am not here to climb a ladder.  I am here to serve Yavapai County.  I worked hard to get here but the hardest work is still ahead of me…

Becoming a Judge is not a career step for me; it is a calling.  It is an honor to serve the community.  That is why I am here.  That is why I am a Judge. It is an honor to serve you in this way.”

The responsibility of the bench is humbling and heavy. I feel the weight of this role every day.


Campaign Value #3: Integrity


Campaign Value #1: Humanity