Frequently Asked Questions

“Why are you registered as an Independent?”

Many years ago, I chose to register as an independent because I evaluate candidates based upon who is the best person for the job, rather than what letter is next to their name. As a judge, I took an oath to uphold both the Arizona and U.S. Constitutions and operate within the framework of the Judicial Code of Conduct. In reading the entire code prior to beginning my work, I read very clear direction that judges are to be non-partisan, impartial parties who do not express political opinions. I am resolved to be fair and impartial in my deliberations, treating everyone in my courtroom fairly and with respect, regardless of their political affiliations.

“Why did you want to be a judge?”

I believe that if you want to see change, you have to dig in and do the work to make change happen. I wanted to improve the legal system in our community. I believe I can do this in a bigger way as a judge than I could as an attorney and a cross-country coach. Through my community efforts so far, I’ve heard from so many people about the lack of trust in judges and the legal system. I want to be the kind of judge that people always respect, even though I know they won’t always agree with me.

“If elected, what kind of judge will you be?

Since being appointed, I’ve sought first and foremost to bring a sense of humanity and humility to the bench, relying on my legal and life experience. Second, I wanted to ensure that people on the bench have character, even if it means going against popular opinion. I have never been afraid to be this kind of person or stand up for what is right. Third, I wanted to serve the community in such a way that I earn their trust. I will always be fair and impartial in my rulings, practicing integrity and courage in my leadership.

“What makes you qualified to be a judge?”

I was a prosecutor for nearly 17 years, serving Maricopa and Yavapai Counties in Arizona. In serving those counties, I had a wide-range of assignments and prosecuted a large variety of cases. From grand jury and juvenile, to domestic violence and drug cases, I developed the ability to learn quickly and listen closely. My strengths of organization and efficiency enabled me to carry a large caseload, while communicating effectively with defense attorneys, court staff, and victims. These skills and this experience have prepared me to run a courtroom effectively and efficiently.